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Sustainable agriculture Agri tech

  Sustainable agriculture Sustainable agriculture is farming in such a way to protect the environment, aid and expand natural resources and to make the best use of nonrenewable resources. There are several key principles associated with sustainability in agriculture The incorporation of biological and ecological processes such as nutrient cycling, soil regeneration, and nitrogen fixation into agricultural and food production practices. Using decreased amounts of non-renewable and unsustainable inputs, particularly environmentally harmful ones. Using the expertise of farmers to both productively work the land as well as to promote the self-reliance and self-sufficiency of farmers  Solving agricultural and natural resource problems through the cooperation and collaboration of people with different skills. The problems tackled include pest management and irrigation. Sustainable Agricultural Practices Sustainable agriculture practices generally aim to maintain the health and longe...

Anthurium cultivation Agri tech

Anthurium cultivation

Anthurium is a tropical ornamental plant, and Anthurium is cultivated for its colourful, long-lasting flowers or attractive foliage. They have gained importance as major cut flowers of the modern world. Anthurium is a native of Central and South America and the genus Anthurium, with over 700 species. The word anthurium is taken from the Greek ‘anthos’, flower, and ‘aura’ tail, referring to the spadix. The major countries importing anthurium cut flowers are in the USA. Canada. Germany. Europe and Japan. The popularity of growing anthurium as cut flowers has risen tremendously in the past few years, and it has now become an important export-oriented crop.

In Sri Lanka, Anthurium use for general decoration of the house as well as for special occasions. Anthuriums are in great demand for home gardening, local markets and exports. Although the popularity of many flowers varies from time to time, the demand and popularity of the anthurium flower has remained the same for a long time. Its popularity continues to grow. In addition to the flowers needed for the garden, anthurium is also a lucrative crop.

Anthurium Varieties

Anthuriums, like other flowering plants, have different varieties of anthuriums. Although there are two types, the most widely grown is the anthurium for flowers.

01. Anthuriums grown for flowers

02. Anthuriums grown because of the variety of leaves

We are talking about Anthuriums grown for flowers

There are many anthurium varieties with different colours like dark red, orange, white, pink, and bicolour (Two colours). The preference for colour in global and local markets for anthurium flowers indicates that the red coloured varieties are the most favored with high percent share among the varieties sold.

In Sri Lanka, mainly include Red Anthurium, Anthurium Kotmale type, Anthurium Andrianum orange variety, Pink and Purple Anthuruim

Red Anthurium

It should be mentioned here that there are varieties of red anthuriums among red anthuriums. Among the small red anthurium and large anthurium flowering anthurium, the short red anthurium variety Anthurium is the most valuable. Normally in the market a short anthurium with these red flowers sells for around Rs. 350 to Rs. 400 (LKR). High value anthuriums red small anthurium celebrations world anthuriums caring for Anthurium growing in the garden or home

Anthurium Kotmale type

 This anthurium flower is a fairly large flower with light redripples. Make a bouquet like that, use it more for festive occasions.

Anthurium Andrianum orange variety

The flowers are light orange in color and are usually a very expensive anthurium. So I mentioned just a few of the anthurium varieties. There are over 20 species of anthuriums in Sri Lanka. The humid climate is ideal for growing this anthurium. Anthuriums should be watered at least twice a day. Anthurium Andrianum orange variety sri lanka matara cold weather Self growing anthuriums how to grow anthuriums

Pink and purple anthuriums

Anthuriums include pink anthuriums as well as purple anthuriums. The purple anthurium is expensive and relatively rare. In areas like Nuwara Eliya, Badulla and Kandy there is a good demand for these purple anthuriums.

Climatic requirements for anthuriums:

Anthurium is a tropical plant hence humid, and Moderate temperature condition is suitable for anthurium plant. So,  Anthuriums can be grown well in the region up to 4000 feet above sea level. As this is a shade-loving plant, 60% to 70% shade should be provided. Since anthurium is a plant that needs a lot of shade, it should be grown in a natural shade or artificially shaded with rope mats or shade nets.

Temperature      – 25 ℃

Humidity       – 75%

Anthurium also needs well drained soil. Prepare a well-drained bed and first add coir rice, red brick pieces and coconut coir to the soil. Place anthurium seedlings on the bed and place coconut husks around the anthurium. Add dried manure, mildew twigs, pieces of charcoal decaying leaf litter to the bed. 

Remember that anthuriums should be in a bed or in flowerpots or in a shady place. Because moisture and shade are very important for anthurium flowering. Also, water the anthurium plants at least twice a day. So you can take fresh anthuriums from the same bush and plant them in a separate place to expand your anthurium cultivation little by little. Keep good scissors to cut the anthurium flowers. Don’t let everyone cut anthuriums.

Planting the plant:

An apprentice for Cultivation Anthurium seedlings of suitable quality for cultivation should be procured from a place where the seedlings are sold. It is advisable to immerse 5 seedlings in pots. Pots with a diameter of 30 cm should be selected for planting. Plants should be placed on the holes in the bottom of the pot with tiles and bricks about two inches high, with decayed leaf litter and a mixture of anthurium fertilizer on top. About an inch of the top of the bowl should be left intact.

Anthurium Fertilizer (Organic System)

Green manure

Parts of dry dung

Coir rice portions

Sand Coal Parts

Urea kg. 3 h (if you want)

Anthurium Fertilizer (Chemical System)

Calcium Nitrate 250g

Potassium Nitrate 150g

Micro nutrients 50g

Mono Ammonium Phosphate 250g

Potassium Nitrate 100g

Magnesium Sulphate 50g

(Chemical fertilizers should be mixed in the above proportions and applied in one of the firebox lids, about three weeks after planting. Fertilizer should be applied away from the plants near the edge of the pot.)

Fertilization should be done once a month and once in two weeks after flowering in the morning after watering. It is sufficient to apply organic manure once in 3 months. The pots should be kept in a shady place and maintained.

Planting in seedling beds:

If anthuriums are planted in beds, they can be planted in two ways.

01. Construction of drains and cultivation

02. Preparation of beds and cultivation

Whichever of the two methods is used, the artificial method should provide shade. If drains are constructed and cultivated, drains should be prepared at a depth of 25-30 cm on a flat ground and a layer of bricks should be applied at its base Then a chemical should be applied to control the mites. Planting can be done after 5 days by applying the fertilizer mixture on the bricks. If the beds are to be cultivated in a systematic manner, the soil should be loosened to a depth of about 25 cm and the beds should be prepared and fertilized with insecticides. After that it is advisable to plant the seedlings at a spacing of two feet between the seedlings. Fertilizer application, watering and weed control should be done systematically.

Some essential nutrients need for anthurium cultivation. The most nutritious of these are phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. While these components are essential, there are also nutrients that need to be applied secondary. Thus calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, molybdenum, boron, etc. can be used to get a rich flower harvest. Although all these can be applied properly, the fertilizer should be applied according to the growth stages of the plant

Growth stages of anthurium cultivation:

Small stage up to 8-10 months

Intermediate stage 8-10 months to 1,1 / 2 years

Flowering period from 1,1/2 years upwards

Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied sparingly at a young age and phosphorus should be applied more at a moderate stage. It is best to apply plenty of potassium during flowering. Fertilizer application occurs in two stages, liquid and granular. You can use any of these methods.

Apply liquid fertilizer:

In the small stage N P K / 30 10 10/20 20 20 or / 28 14 14/21 21 21 should be alternately diluted in water twice a week at low concentration during the first 4 months and once a week for the other 4 months during the nursery period.

Intermediate stage Dilute the following two mixtures alternately in water. Fertilizer application is slightly different in the intermediate stage. Here, too, caution must be exercised. N p K / 10 30 20/20 20 20 or 06 30 30/21 21 21

Anthurium also needs a lot of fertilizer during the flowering stage and the two fertilizer mixtures should be applied alternately every two weeks. N P K / 10 30 20/20 20 20 or 06 30 30 21 21 21

There are many types of granular fertilizers used in anthurium cultivation. Accordingly, short-term fertilizers and long-term fertilizers are divided into two parts.

 If you are a commercial anthurium grower, you need to choose the most suitable method. It is not advisable to use both methods except for one of the two methods.

Protection against pests: Pests such as oysters, mites, leafhoppers, powdery mildew, aphids, etc. can damage anthurium leaves, shoots and flowers and should be treated appropriately.


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