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Sustainable agriculture Agri tech

  Sustainable agriculture Sustainable agriculture is farming in such a way to protect the environment, aid and expand natural resources and to make the best use of nonrenewable resources. There are several key principles associated with sustainability in agriculture The incorporation of biological and ecological processes such as nutrient cycling, soil regeneration, and nitrogen fixation into agricultural and food production practices. Using decreased amounts of non-renewable and unsustainable inputs, particularly environmentally harmful ones. Using the expertise of farmers to both productively work the land as well as to promote the self-reliance and self-sufficiency of farmers  Solving agricultural and natural resource problems through the cooperation and collaboration of people with different skills. The problems tackled include pest management and irrigation. Sustainable Agricultural Practices Sustainable agriculture practices generally aim to maintain the health and longe...

Marvelous Ways to Propagate Roses From Cuttings Agri tech


Marvelous Ways to Propagate Roses From Cuttings

In this article, we’ll explore Crazy Ways to Propagate Roses From Cuttings, so get your gardening gloves on and let’s get started

1. Propagating rose cuttings using Aloe vera

Make a small slit in the bottom of the stem of a healthy aloe vera plant and insert the cut end of the rose stem into the slit, ensuring it’s secure.

Aloe vera will provide natural rooting hormones to the cutting, help prevent fungal diseases, and the rose cutting will root in 3-4 weeks’ time. Once it is done, you can plant it in a well-draining potting mix.

2.Propagating a rose cuttings using Honey as a Rooting Hormone

Honey is a great natural rooting hormone, which you can use at the time for propagating roses. Dipping the cutting in it will ensure the rose stays safe from the chances of any diseases or infection.

3.Rooting in Papaya

Rooting rose cuttings in papaya is a fun project, Make a hole in the papaya that is still attached to the tree, and scoop out half of the pulp by cutting it a bit.

Then, fill it with a well-draining potting mix and insert the rose cuttings. Within a few weeks’ time, the cuttings will root, and then you can transplant them into a pot or garden.

4.Rooting in banana 

Choose a healthy rose stem, snip off the lower leaves, and make a 45° cut. Now, using a chopstick, poke some holes in a ripe banana and secure the cuttings in it.

Prepare a loamy soil mix and make a channel in the soil to fit the banana. Place the banana with stems in the channel and push it down. Wait a few weeks, and when roots have formed, transplant them to a larger pot or garden. 

5.Using toilet papers

Art by choosing a healthy rose plant and cutting a 6-inch stem at a 45-degree angle. Remove all but keep the top two or three leaves, then dampen a sheet of toilet paper and wrap it around the stem, leaving the top leaves exposed.

Prepare a pot with a well-draining potting mix and plant the cuttings, along with the toilet paper, in it. Within 3-5 weeks, the cuttings will form roots.

6.Using  a potato

Cut a stem from a rose plant, remove the lower leaves, then dip the cut end in the rooting hormone. Cut a potato in half and scoop out a small cavity.

Insert the stem into the potato, making sure it’s secure. Plant the potato in the soil with the stem facing up, and keep the soil moist. The potato will provide moisture and nutrients to the cutting as it develops roots.

7.Rooting in water

Another of the best Ways to Propagate Roses From Cuttings is rooting in water. Take a cutting that is about 5-6 inches long and has a few leaves. Place it in a jar of water and change the growing medium every 3-5 days until root formation.

8.Propagate a rose from cuttings using a plastic bucket

Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle and fill it with potting soil. Make a small hole in the growing medium and insert the rose stem. Water well and put the cap on the bottle. Place the bottle in a bright spot but out of direct sunlight.

After a few weeks, check to see if roots have formed by gently tugging on the stem. Once roots have formed, remove the cap from the bottle and gradually expose the plant to more light. When the plant is strong enough, transplant it into a larger pot or into your garden


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